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Frequently Asked Questions
#1 What do I bring?
I would suggest the following:
--Your firearm or bow
--Hunter orange vest/jacket and hat to wear while travelling to and from bait sites (required by law)
--Knife (required by law)
--Hunting Clothes (camo gear)
--Layers of Clothes
--Warm gloves/headwear
--Rain suit
--Boots/camp shoes
--Water bottle
--Camera/Video camera
--Compass (required by law)
--Source of flame (required by law)
--Personal toiletry items
This is a general list of items I would recommend you have on hand; however, use your own judgment for personal preference.
#2 What are the odds of a successful hunt?
I cannot guarantee anyone a successful hunt. The odds of seeing a bear are very high but the success/expectations ultimately lie with the hunter.
#3 Do I need to pay up front?
My payment policy is to pay 50% down at time of booking and the other 50% 30 days prior to arrival. There will not be any refunds if you do not show on the date you are booked unless the borders are closed; however, in the event of a cancellation, deposits may be transferred to another individual to come in your place. In the event I have to cancel your trip you will receive a refund for any deposit or full paid trip.
#4 How is the weather in September?
Generally speaking September is a fairly mild month. Past experience tells me you will only need to dress light; however, this is Eastern Canada and a cold front could very easily roll in so come prepared.
#5 What do I need to bring to get a non-resident hunting license?
You must ensure you have a hunting safety course certification for bow or firearm whichever you will be using or bring a hunting license from another hunt you have been on within the past 2 years. As well, a valid drivers license or government piece of identification.
#6 How do I get my gun into Canada?
You must ensure you read the link I have attached under the heading “Regulations" It is a very simple procedure and you must have the form completed for presentation to a customs officer. I recommend you sign the form after a customs officer inspects your non-restricted firearm. You should not sign the form prior to going through customs.
#7 Do I need a special permit for my bow?
#8 What caliber rifle or bow draw weight do I need?
Just bring the rifle (non-restricted firearm) and ammunition you are most comfortable with, in other words, what you normally hunt with. Remember, you are only shooting 50 yards with your rifle. With a bow, you will be shooting 30 yards or less, the bow weight recommended is nothing less than 50 pounds.
#9 Will alcohol beverages be available?
Some will be provided for after you fill your tag but each client shall be responsible to provide their own; however, if there is the slightest smell of alcohol on a client all hunting and fishing privileges shall be revoked for the day for that client. This is a very strict policy with my camp.
If there are any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me.